JET you were the best thing about my marriage and my Life. You pulled me through when I felt like giving up. You gave me reason to smile and laugh, you showed me what unconditional love felt like. I don’t know how I’m going live with you, my world feels empty with out you. I will smile thinking of how you spun in circles at feeding time,and how you would want outside, only to turn right around and want back in,.then stare at me for a treat like you earned it. I will miss our walks , I will miss our snuggles and kissing you between you eyes. I will miss your greetings at the door when I come home and I will miss your putting your front paws on my thighs for me to give you a hug and kiss. I don’t have anyone to share my Popsicles with in the back yard on the warm days anymore. Please my baby boy, know I regret every time I was busy and pushed you aside or told you to go lay down. I hope and pray you forgive my bursts of anger when I was frustrated with life. Oh my baby boy Jet, I loved you from the start, I loved you through our journey together and mamma will love you forever. Rest my boy and enjoy heaven with your sister and buddy Gonzo. Know that I will be OK and I KNOW I will see you again. You are and always will be my heart ❤️